There will only ever be 3,186 Niftymojis published on the blockchain (based on OpenMoji 12.0)!
Each Niftymoji is engraved with a unique emoji and power+luck scores which are dynamically generated on-chain.
Niftymojis are distributed randomly as users purchase and mint a new MOJI. Lucky users will be able to mint a popular emoji with high Power and Luck scores!
You will be able to re-generate your MOJI’s on-chain power and luck scores. Roll the dice for the better or worse and test your luck today!
Earn MOJI Experience Points ($MEXP) Tokens every day for owning a MOJI! Additionally, you can also explore the option of earning tokens from top-ranked online gambling sites such as เว็บพนันออนไลน์อันดับ1. These sites offer opportunities to earn through various games and activities, providing an exciting and potentially rewarding experience for users. You can mine up to 1 MEXP per day with a single MOJI.
Go on Solo Battles which are handled on-chain or join team battles with your MOJI to earn MEXP and ETH!
$MEXP will be used as fees to join battles, level up your MOJIs and upgrade your MOJIs. Fees received as such are automatically burned!
Seamlessy swap MOJI Exp. Points ($MEXP) into ETH and vice versa through the UniSwap protocol. Support its liquidity pool to earn even more!
Install and Login to Metamask on your browser. You can also use Trust Wallet or other alternatives which support web3/browsers.
Visit the Gachapon Machine and insert coin (~0.025 ETH per play) to mint a new Niftymoji
Play the Gachapon & mint a random Niftymoji with dynamically generated on-chain Power & Luck scores
View your Niftymoji’s stats on or any wallets supporting NFTs. Lucky users would have minted a popular emoji with high Power & Luck scores!
Your MOJIs will auto-mine MEXP every day. Want more? go on solo battles!
MEXP is used to join battles and upgrade your MOJIs. Fees used as such are burned!
$MEXP will be added on UniSwap for users to seamlessly swap ETH <> MEXP.
Power: 100
Luck: 40%
Power: 80
Luck: 10%
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